Presence doesn’t blind, but personas drown me.
Your memories stitched dreams played only once
By threadbare consumed survival questions.
Quiet approaches write mirror context
With entrained recall of youth built promise
Seen as fancy but clear as remedy
For daylight fashioned stood even eyes
Assembling calm sharpened agency.
NeuroBlogs Daily Extended Edition 4
Time wantonly castigates perfection
In saddeningly cold reflection;
Change is incomprehensive to illusion.
Growth outpourings devil diminution
Stood frank & awful across tabled eyes
Wet from agency repressed by surprise.
Life binds fancies of everyday madness
As if bored by knowing what escape is.
When stung, defensive minds enact cruelty
while persuaded hope envisions duty.
As if trained telementationally.
Impeccable and broken similes
Mismatch performed duties like destinies;
Molting ached disasters from hidden prime
Mottles rare reflections measured by time.
For identities promised in mirror
Happiness enjoins its brightness nearer
Than floor struck pitfalls ended commonly.
Andy Adkins
Plaintive horns thinned gold promised by midday
As Jealousy’s salacious deception.
Seated high in shielded misdirection
An honor penned smile drove quickly away.
Recognition rarely decides contexts
Prefixed by unmitigated sadness
Drawn to kiln, but unwound for love’s purpose.
Witnessed chasms need unbridged moments
Because unknowns are not restorative
When begun alone & stung by misreading
Clairvoyance as reasoning predictive
Like renewed hues ready-made for judging.
Where bundled ambition tugs sentiments,
Cornering quiets objectivity.
Its cruel urgency sorts dyad remnants
To envision cages carved from allure
As if preening hangs curiosity
From pedestals encircling demur.
Andy Adkins
Steadfast tongues spend voids on memories
In conscious rhythms linking histories
With thoughts willed in place by impermanence.
Time lengthens and shortens their convenience
As forgotten resistance to hazards.
The journey to meaning rolls out in yards
To exhaust & retire bygone tumults
Separating tears from smiling results.
Darkened resemblance awakened columns
Appearing between cover-grown fountains
happily arranged as sticky meadows.
Entwined appetites smother adorned ease.
First climbing curls entangling canopies,
Then falling fattened by warm innocence
To the round gallops accomplishing age
Like quick stop reminders strung atop clouds.
Scavengers devour survival forewords.
Their cutaways brighten lashed reflection
With groaning banners in tongue sown courtyards.
Wild uproar sounds unruly audition
From fast distressed lips as woeful prelude.
Forlorn wisdom is a contradiction
Fathering misguided ineptitude
Unsweetened by eloquent courtesy.
In it pale moments languish thoughtlessly
‘Till adroit learning garlands destiny.
Andy Adkins
Fond companions nest brutality between clouds
On sharp tacks copied by time & sails.
Moonlit & sun-worn until murmuring slowed,
Sympathetic travelers aroused swells
To shower and balm grief with turbulent praise.
Like conspicuous torrents,
Mercy steamed wantonness overboard
Avoiding prow loss, misdirection, and puzzlements
Where biography compasses precise stewards.
Andy Adkins
From towered raiments
Youth doubled elliptic paces
Magnify common identity
To separately question memories
Of frozen eternity.
Narrow fools shuffle hungry winds
And graze flowered mortality
As quickly fading passengers.
Ugly combs, afterward,
Abruptly mumble remnants
With toiled births and blinding affection
Like persistent habits to cloud beginnings.
Andy Adkins